“All human suffering in all of our human experience is nothing but collateral damage from the ongoing battle over whether Love or Will represents the innate and essential nature of consciousness in all of its forms and expressions.”
“Only an emotively completed, not energetically actualized, personal self is a forgotten self; only an emotively completed, not transcended, nondual not-self is a forgotten self; and only an emotively completed spiritual self, not willfully manifested, is a forgotten self, all three of which when embodied are finally remembered as our deepest Self made of emotive-mediated Love.” “We must learn to decondition from nondual-based assumptions of the nature of consciousness just as assiduously as nonduality teaches we must learn to decondition from dual-based assumptions of the nature of consciousness.” “There has never been any battle in our species between good vs. evil: it has only ever been a battle between the soulful authentic version of our truest being vs. the conditioned inauthentic version created by our families, cultures, and religions, where no child in all of our history ever received what was needed to become the soulful authentic self and so devolved into its earth-conditioned counterpart.” “Because of Its support of our freedom of will, it’s not God’s job to stop evil; “As a man born of flesh, Yeshua’s so-called ‘resurrection’ was never physical, as dense religious consciousness maintains: it was only a spiritually awakened realization that the template of Love first and personal willfulness second that “Edenity gives people a chance to experience their soul by differentiating their energetic, mental, and willful-conditioned version of self from their root emotive-based soulfulness, and in that way spiritualize the personal, not transcend, dissolve, or shame it in the name of what we call consciousness growth.” “What we’ve tragically been conditioned to as unconditional love by psychologically-challenged religious paradigms is a only drug givable or receivable by emotionally immature adults still in thrall to wounds engendered from the lack of real heart nourishment in childhood.” "You can’t actually love yourself, because as a holon in the Wholon you are too busy primarily being made of Love itself to make a secondary action of it and turn it back to yourself; and the only way to experience yourself as Love is to “Real healing always includes transcendence; but transcendence alone never includes real healing.” |
Dharma CookiesStace BarronThe inceptor of the new paradigm of Edenity shares weekly from his book offering a collection of a lifetime of short quotes and teachings, called Dharma Cookies. Archives
December 2019