“The ‘I’ of soul is findable in the nondual space opened up between the experience of ‘once is not enough’ and ‘two is too many.”
“The root childhood wounding that must be healed to experience noncodependent intimacy comes from how we had to serve our own parents’ counter-transferential need of love from us as children in order to receive love from them, causing us to trust neither Love or Other.” “Radical islamists and conservative christians equally crave theocracy, the most ignorant, primitive, and destructive form of governance and enemy of all that is naturally good about human beings, and so should see each other as allies in the same battle instead of competitors for the same fool’s gold.” “Maslowian-based self-actualization only moves us energetically from childhood to teenhood; only emotive-based self-authentication finally emotively moves us from teenhood to adulthood.” A devotional-based Divinified Saint would say: ‘The day pours itself into me and gives me a world to live IN;’ and a non-devotional-based, nondualified Sage would say: ‘The day pours itself into me and gives me a world to live AS;’ both have been equally true all along .... can we please stop arguing only one can be correct?” “Anyone who ever says ‘I didn’t make the rules, I only play the game’ “All human suffering is just Divine Being struggling for “Feelings are to real emotions as a lamp is to current; and real emotions “We can all certainly give love while carrying unhealed childhood wounding, but none of us can ever vulnerably and authentically receive love with unconscious defenses in place.” “The recipe for militant religious fundamentalist stew: start with the spoiled meat of a fictitious willful & jealous god; add the broth of the insane belief any human can know absolute truth; season with the garlic of a smug arrogance; stir in a pinch of the herb of elitist exclusivism; sauté in the lard of rabid righteousness; bake in an oven of tradition for thousands of years; mix in a red sauce of psychopathic narcissism; and serve on a hot plate of judgment how anyone who disagrees with you deserves death or goes to hell.” |
Dharma CookiesStace BarronThe inceptor of the new paradigm of Edenity shares weekly from his book offering a collection of a lifetime of short quotes and teachings, called Dharma Cookies. Archives
December 2019